CPC Mission |
The CPC mission is to address cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors comprehensively to strengthen overall community well being through sustainability and resilience. In addition to customary development activities, the CPC will promote endeavors normally considered apart from economic development assistance, such as disaster risk mitigation and relief preparedness, as well as historical preservation.
CPC Goals |
The CPC program provides a comprehensive, integrated systems approach model for bringing together public agencies, commercial enterprises, civil society, and academia to organize, coordinate, and implement activities related to community empowerment, including; economic vitality, environmental sustainability, cultural enrichment, social and infrastructure resiliency, that are vital for a community to be able to thrive.
It does this by providing communities assistance to formulate solution strategies that reflect locally determined needs and priorities, and by helping them with the development of action plans for funding and implementing programs from a broad menu of diverse CPC services. Logistical matters such as community outreach and selection of program services to be implemented are determined by a local CPC authority, which also oversees facility planning and layout, maintenance and operations, and other contract services. Each Community Partnership Center facility serves its respective community as a public venue for incubating both ideas and action. It is a location where critical examination and discussion of development objectives, goal setting, and project prioritization can take place. It is also a center for educational, cultural, and social activities that contribute to community cohesion and betterment or otherwise serve its collective interest. The CPC is a uniquely appropriate venue for securing community involvement at the outset of project planning in response to their assessed priority needs. Toward that objective, assistance for the development and implementation of an effective needs assessment protocol is a primary service CPC offers. This process provides local stakeholders a more critical lens through which to perceive and prioritize needs, thereby enabling more informed decision-making regarding projects targeted to those needs. |
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